All this information below will help you, but please feel free to contact us anytime at with questions.
You can supply your own booth items but we will have an excellent decorator/supplier available through Superior Expo Services. Click here for the 2024 Exhibitor Kit. This is a new Exhibitor Kit uploaded in July with an updated advance warehouse address, if you need that. Your booth is simply your space with black pipe and drape (8' back wall and 3' sides). Many commonly ordered items from the decorator include draped tables, chairs and carpet. The only things not ordered through Superior is interent & electrical (see below).
Electrical must be ordered through Edlen Electric. Online ordering is preferred. Click here to order online. You may also call 682.410.9336 for support. Pre-ordered electrical is around $100 - a bit more if ordered at the show.
Internet is also ordered through NetSteady at the Will Rogers Center. Prices are about $50 and up per device (see full rate information here). A heads up that some data carriers are blocked in the Will Rogers Center making purchased wifi the best option. Contact them here or by calling 888-295-0567. (Estimated pricing for 2025).
We are fortunate in Texas to not have a lot of set-up and design regulations. Here are a few show rules:
* All booth amenities must be within the allotted space (nothing in the isles) unless pre-approved.
* Anything deemed unsafe in the opinion of the show organizer (such as tipping hazards) will be required to change.
* The provided drape rods will support normal banners but in general are not to be used as booth support.
* Helium balloons can be used, but only if they are attached securely to your booth. Please do not hand out helium balloons.
*Booth spaces may only be occupied by the contracted exhibitor and their preapproved products (because we limit certain products). Booth space cannot be shared or split between additional exhibitors without prior approval.
You have your choice of shipping method but Superior can be excellent help with this. Once delivered to the city, fees for handling your materials can be expensive. Be sure to know the costs before you ship or receive anything for the show. Superior Expo Services or Pinners may be able to help you with materials shipped to the facility. You may be able to receive your own items at the facility if you can arrange for them to arrive on set-up days only. There is no shipping or receiving that Will Rogers Center will take care of themselves and they will not hold shipments for us.
SET-UP is Thursday, September 18th between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. You will be contacted about your time. Check-in at the check-in table near the north open loading dock doors for information, exhibitor badges, location help, etc. If you have a large booth and need special attention please e-mail us here and it may be possible to set up Wednesday afternoon.
TAKE-DOWN is anytime after 7 p.m. (to 12 a.m.) on Saturday evening. No early take downs allowed.
We have learned from several exhibitors they are receiving scam emails offering attendee lists for purchase. Please be aware these offers are fraudulent. These scammers do not have any relationship with Pinners or Bennett Events and they do NOT have the data they are attempting to sell. Scams may also include fake invoices and hotel booking scams. Do not interact with these. Our emails are from We are a permission-based email sender. We do not share, rent or sell our email lists. Please be on guard! Spammers are known to impersonate employees and illegally use show logos.
Parking is $12 at Will Rogers. There is plenty or parking and trailer parking is also available. Trailers will go to gate 50 on the Southside of Dickies Arena. After you have finished unloading, you can keep them there for weekend.
RV parking is available on property also through Gate 51. You must call Will Rogers in advance. It is $70/night and includes a 50amp hookup.
If you would like a custom promo code that you can give to friends and followers for $5 off any tickets online, please request it here.
You can find information about our 2025 Host Hotels by following this link. Make sure to book through the links to receive our show rate! Or if calling in, make sure to mention the Pinners room block to get the best rates!
This is a great way to get exposure at VIP night. We will be having some fun activities for our attendees to earn raffle tickets by completing. We will be drawing raffle tickets and announcing the giveaways and winners towards the end of the party.
Contributing an item to the swag bag is an opportunity to get your brand and products even more exposure to this amazing audience (please no coupons/flyers). The Thursday before the show begins (after setup) we host a VIP party for our most loyal attendees, local bloggers and trendy influencers. Each attendee will receive a SWAG BAG that you can contribute to for free! You will need to bring 300 items with you to setup Thursday morning, and we’ll take care of the rest.
If you'd like to participate, please contact Darienne via e-mail here.
Product samples are permitted on the show floor only if the item is a sample product of the exhibitor and your application has been accepted by Will Rogers. You must have your application in 30 days prior to the event. Click here for the application. If you have any questions you may reach out to Charly Petrek at Charly.Petrek@fortworthtexas.
Once you have been approved to distribute food or beverage samples from Will Rogers, you will also need to obtain a Temporary Food Handlers Permit. Here is a link to the Temporary Permit Application (web form). If you have any questions please contact the Health Department at 817-392-7255.
All tax information can be found at To participate in the show you will need a Sales and Use Permit.
Pinners Conference marketing will be extensive. We hope it will be the most marketing you've seen compared to previous events you may have been in. It includes a media-wide campaign including TV, billboards, magazines, ticket distribution channels, national DIY and craft organizations, women's group e-mail campaigns, state-wide print promotion and of course many of the region and nation's most popular bloggers and social media experts.
Booth space is available by contacting Bennett Events at Booths are 10' x 10' and 8' x 10' and generally run $849.
To download a Media Kit with information on booths, testimonials, pricing and more, click here.
Superior Expo Services has been our supplier for 4 years now. Click here for the new 2024 Exhibitor Kit.
Trade shows are consistently the #1 marketing return on investment among all options.
If you need GRAPHICS to help you promote the show, please click for a higher resolution of the image. Then drag & drop to your desktop.